Impala Platinum Holdings Limited
Impala Platinum Holdings Limited (Implats) is a leading producer of platinum group metals (PGMs) with six mining operations and a toll-refining business. The Group aspires to create a better future for all its stakeholders, and to deliver value through excellence and execution and its commitment to responsible stewardship and long-term value creation. Implats’ sustainability journey is recognised through being one of only four JSE-listed metals and mining companies to be included in the S&P Global Sustainability Yearbook 2022 and the only company awarded the Metals and Mining Industry Mover Award. The Group received an “A” rating from the MSCI and its commitment to gender equality is recognised in the third consecutive inclusion in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (2022). Implats holds an “A” rating by the CDP for water in 2021 and a “B” for climate change. The Group is a long-term constituent of the FTSE4Good Index Series and the FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Top 30 Index. Implats’ refining assets hold the London Platinum and Palladium Market certificate for Responsible Platinum and Palladium Sourcing, and the Group is included among the top 100 companies in the Vigeo Eiris best emerging markets performers ranking for corporate environmental, social and governance responsibility.
Based on materiality assessments and global peer benchmarking, Implats developed its own ESG/Sustainability Framework to guide its approaches to delivering on some of the critical global issues, as guided by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, while being sensitive to needs and imperatives at each host country. The Group’s framework focuses on reducing its environmental footprint, achieving its goal of zero harm, having meaningful stakeholder engagements and engaged employees, and sustaining livelihoods through and beyond mining.

Some recent highlights include:
1. In South Africa and Zimbabwe, water management is critical as these are water-scarce areas. Implats holds an “A” performance score for its 2021 Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Water Disclosure Project submission. It places the PGM producer in the leadership band for achieving best practices in its 2021 management of water security risk.
2. Implats’ industry-leading investment in the accommodation and living conditions of employees is a key contribution to the wellbeing of its host communities. Implats builds and facilitates access to employee housing that is stable, healthy, of adequate size, serviced with water, sanitation, and electricity, and within easy commuting distance work.
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