Platinum group metals (PGMs) mining is a significant job creator in South Africa, and the industry directly employed over 170k people in 2021– by far the most in the mining industry and a third of all miners employed across all commodities. PGMs industry contributes significantly towards the South African economy through revenue generation and tax payments into the fiscal budgets that fund social programmes.
Platinum mining employs 170,000+ people in South Africa, more than any other commodity in the country. Every person employed in platinum mining is estimated to support another 7-10 people, making the overall impact on communities even bigger.

Note: 2021 data.
Source: Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, South Africa.
One of South Africa’s largest mining sub-sectors is PGMs, with the country being home to more than 50% of the world’s platinum reserves. The South African mining industry contributes meaningful economic and fiscal value through its operations, with PGMs contributing the largest portion to the total.

Note: Billion Rand.
Source: Stats SA, PwC analysis
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